Sign up for Free Mulch!
Standby Service – there is NO GUARANTEE that you will ever receive a load of mulch. This is a standby system for participating Tree Contractors who may need to empty the truck in your area.
STANDOUT! By selecting the options to pay for a load your listing appears as a GOLD Symbol on the map and grabs the Arborists attention! No payment to the Arborist is required until mulch is delivered!
You must be able to take the entire load.
Arborist are looking to save time and travel costs, MulchSpot is NOT designed to deliver small loads of mulch under 7 cubic metres, So to avoid a tired and grumpy Arborist, please consider whether MulchSpot is suitable for YOU before listing a site.
Paid Sites- Consider one of our PAID options, this creates a great incentive for our Arborists to prioritise the listing and increases the chance of you receiving a load of mulch!
Load Size – You get what’s on the truck, which can be from 7-12 and potentially 15 cubic meters.
Excess mulch is NOT the responsibility of the Tree Contractor or MulchSpot and will not be removed. It may be a good idea to have a chat with neighbours about sharing a load before registering.
Load Quality – Not all loads will be the same, it all depends on the type of plant being mulched (hardwood, softwood, stringy palm frond, etc.) and the sharpness of the blades. However, the variation of small & large particles is the secret to good mulch.
MULCHSPOT offers an alternative option for obtaining tree
mulch. It allows you to place a request on our website, which can increase your chances of receiving
mulch sooner by connecting you with participating tree companies in your area.
Using MULCHSPOT can be a convenient and efficient way to receive free tree mulch without having
to rely solely on chance encounters with arborists working in your neighbourhood and compared to
the large garden supply company prices. You are receiving a product worth around $500 for FREE
MULCHSPOT lets you place a single request for arborist Tree mulch. Your request is listed on our
website and participating tree companies in your area can search for local spots, giving you a better
chance of receiving one sooner. Once you get a delivery, we’ll take you off the list automatically so
you don’t get multiple loads. If you do want another load, it’s as easy as jumping on our website and
placing another request.
We also have a basic quality control process and guidelines for the participating Arborists so you at
least have some idea and assurances of the quality of material you’re going to receive.
Arborist mulch is amazing for just about any garden project. They’re arguably one of the best types
of mulch you can use, not to mention they’re a local, free, natural bi-product that doesn’t require
any extra carbon to create. You can definitely feel good about using arborist wood chips in your
Arborist wood chips help retain water in your soil, keep the weeds down, and even look nice, too!
Why would it be FREE?
To put it simply, it’s all about convenience for the Tree company working in your area being able to
empty the truck and get back to site, quite often these hard-working Arborists fill the truck a few
times a day so saving downtime is essential.
When is it NOT Free?
When you offer to list a Paid site you are listing a request for mulch-on-Mulch Spot, there are NO costs involved for you that involve us here at
However, if you choose one of our PAID OPTIONS, (which is a great idea and incentive) our
participating Arborists are more likely to prioritise your delivery or drive that bit further to drop it
off. If you choose a Paid option, you will be paying the Arborist directly ONLY once the mulch has
been delivered, this may be via invoice, cheque or cash.
It’s important to note that while Mulch Spot offers a platform to request mulch, there is NO
GUARANTEE that a request will be fulfilled. The service is primarily designed for arborists to utilise
when they need to unload their truck full of mulch conveniently.
Please keep in mind and ideally avoid a grumpy arborist, UNDERSTAND that the participating Arborists PAY MulchSpot a fee to receive your information
and details, they want, and will most likely NEED TO EMPTY THE WHOLE TRUCK, this service is NOT for
people who only require a small amount of mulch under 7-10 cubic metres.
If you require a small or specific sized load of mulch you need to contact your local garden supply because MulchSpot is NOT for you
If you no longer Require Mulch that you have listed please send us an email Theteam@mulchspot.com.au